It is a privilege to support Star Struck as principal sponsor again this year.
Star Struck is an iconic event that provides thousands of young students with the opportunity to be a star performer on stage.
The importance of this opportunity for regional students should not be understated.
More than this, Star Struck performers ignite a great sense of pride in the thousands of families, friends, teachers, and sponsors who attend the event each year. This is especially true for us at Glencore.
We’ve been a partner of Star Struck since 2005, becoming principal sponsor in 2012.
More broadly, we’ve invested more than $100 million in regional events, initiatives, and services through our Community Investment Program.
We do this because we’re committed to delivering lasting social and economic benefits in the communities in which we operate.
We have watched with enormous pride as Star Struck has continued to exceed all expectations. We have no doubt that it will do so again this year.
Congratulations to all involved and best of luck to the young stars who will produce yet another stellar show.
Ian Cribb
Chief Operating Officer
Glencore Coal